Why Do Herbal Tinctures Contain Alcohol?

Posted on October 17, 2017

For thousands of years, herbalists have been using some form of alcohol to extract the powerful and healing properties of plants to create alcohol tinctures.

But why do we continue to use alcohol, especially when we’re constantly being told to restrict our alcohol consumption? Is it bad for our health, and is it even safe to consume?

Here, we’ll take you through the powerful properties of alcohol and the reasons why it’s still the preferred solvent for alcohol tinctures.

Alcohol is a powerful (and safe) solvent

Alcohol is an excellent solvent for herbs because it can extract compounds and active ingredients that aren’t water-soluble, such as essential oils, alkaloids, and resins. It’s also the only edible solvent that can effectively extract the ingredients required for alcohol tinctures.

The body can absorb alcohol tinctures quickly

Alcohol-based tinctures are extremely fast-acting, because alcohol can enter our bloodstream very quickly. Our tongue and cheeks contain lots of capillaries which quickly absorb the alcohol. This means that when we place some drops under our tongue, we’re not actually digesting the extract. Rather, it’s entering our bloodstream almost immediately to deliver the tincture’s potent properties.

Alcohol is a preservative

Alcohol gives herbal extracts a longer shelf-life – in most cases at least five years. Or think of an aged Whiskey as an example of alcohol’s preservative qualities.

Alcohol allows us to create potent tinctures

Alcohol-based tinctures are also highly potent and concentrated, meaning only a very small dose is required to reap the benefits. In fact, everyday food items such as an overripe banana and fermented fruit and vegetables contain approximately the same amount of alcohol as a single dose of a liquid extract.

Understanding ratios and alcohol percentages in tinctures

The formula of a tincture will most likely show the ratio of herb to solvent, and the alcohol percentage. Ratios in herbal tinctures help us to understand how much plant material is present relative to the volume of alcohol. In this way, ratios tell us how concentrated an extract is. For example, a tincture of 1:2 contains one part plant material to two parts alcohol. The amount of alcohol used will depend on the unique properties of the herbs and how much water they contain. The alcohol percentage refers to the percentage of ethanol in the tincture. Tinctures usually have 25% ethanol as a minimum.

Which alcohol is used to make tinctures?

Most tinctures use edible ethyl alcohol, which is a high-proof alcohol that is commercially available and very safe for consumption. Given that the amount of tincture taken is very small (usually between 20-40 drops) the amount of alcohol consumed is negligible.

How long do herbal tinctures stay in your system?

The time the body keeps herbal alcohol tinctures depends on several factors. These factors may include:

Individual variations: People having faster metabolisms are the ones who break down substances at a quicker pace. In this case, the tinctures would persist in their systems longer.

Liver function: The liver performs an essential function of metabolising substances such as alcohol and herbal constituents. Any condition that impacts the function of the liver may be a factor in the metabolism of the tincture.

Higher doses: Higher doses of herbal tinctures of alcohol have more concentrated active compounds, which may take longer to be metabolised and eliminated from the body. The tincture will last for a longer period.

A buildup of compounds: Repeated and frequent use of herbal alcohol tinctures may lead to the accumulation of the tincture’s components within the system. This may also prolong the duration of action of the tincture and lengthen the time it stays detectable in the body.

Body composition: the body fat percentage and hydration level are some of the factors that affect the distribution and elimination of substances in the body.

Health conditions: Chronic diseases, including those that affect the liver and kidneys, affect the body’s metabolism and excretion.

Herbal alcohol tinctures are here to stay

Alcohol has been used as a solvent in herbal tinctures for centuries. It remains popular today for its fast-acting properties, its potency, and its ability to preserve the shelf-life of tinctures. Given that only a very small amount of alcohol is consumed when we use a herbal tincture, it remains a very safe and effective way of delivering our favourite herbal remedies.