Tri Plex ® is one of PPC Herbs’ range of listed herbal medicines. As liquid herbal solutions, each member of the Plex ® family are suitable for the whole family to assist in the management of several different medical conditions.
PPC Herbs’ Herbal Medicines are Australian Made and developed by Herbalists and Naturopaths for health-conscious Australian consumers who want to manage their own health conditions naturally. Made from genuine botanical materials with no added sugars, no animal testing, vegan friendly and gluten free; Plex ® medicines are ideal options for day to day health needs.

Tri Plex ® Herbal Medicine helps to rid the body of worms and also maintain a healthy digestive function.
Tri Plex ® is traditionally used in Western Herbal Medicine to:
- Help rid the body of worms.
- Help to maintain a healthy digestive function.
Plex ® Herbal Medicines are oral liquids. Scientific studies have demonstrated that liquids, as opposed to tablets or capsules, have faster absorption rates; higher optimisation rates and more easily digestible. Liquid remedies or medicines have a dosing flexibility where the daily dose can be diluted with water, juice or taken straight from the bottle.
Tri Plex ® Contains the following botanical Ingredients:
Black Walnut fresh green hulls, Juglans nigra
Black walnut contains a variety of chemicals including its omega-3 fatty acids, alpha linolenic acid (ALA), sterols, tannins and iodine. Black walnut is also rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. that make the Black walnut useful in the treatment of variety of illness. It is vital that these walnuts are harvested and processed while the skin is still green to ensure the enzyme (Juglone) just under the surface of the black walnut skin is captured. The antiseptic properties (antifungal, antimicrobial) and antineoplastic action give it indication in the treatment of chronic skin conditions associated with a disorder of digestion and assimilation. Used internally for the treatment of worms/parasites, and yeast infections
Wormwood leaf (dry), Artemisia absinthium
With a wide spectrum of active constituents, wormwood’s range of medicinal use is large – As the name infers one major medicinal use of this herb for treatment of gastrointestinal parasitic worms. It is also an effective upper digestive tract tonic herb. Artemisias have bitter sesquiterpene lactones which give all parts of the herb their typical ‘bitter as woodworm’ character. Wormwood is used as a bitter that stimulates gastric secretion at the same time having a carminative effect for poor digestion and bile production.
Clove flower bud (dry), Syzygium aromaticum
A spicy, warming, stimulant herb, it is strongly antiseptic, relieves pain, controls nausea and vomiting, improves digestion, protects against intestinal parasites, and causes uterine contractions. Cloves are taken internally in the treatment of internal parasites, stomach upsets, and chills.
Cloves contain 12-26% oil, with eugenol (70-90%) and beta-caryophyllene (as high as 7%) as the main constituents. Other ingredients found in the oil are furfural, methyl salicylate and alpha-pinene. The composition of the essential oil can vary depending on the quality and origin of the clove tree. Eugenol inhibits prostaglandin and explains the analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of cloves.
Complementary therapies require appropriate guidance from health care professionals. Persistent symptoms or a worsening of any condition should be discussed with your health care provider immediately.